iiiC Component
- Audio Products
- Cable Assemblies
- Capacitors
- Circuit Protection
- Connectors, Interconnects
- Crystals and Oscillators
- Discrete Semiconductor Products
- Filters
- Inductors, Coils, Chokes
- Integrated Circuits (ICs)
- Isolators
- Optoelectronics
- Potentiometers, Variable Resistors
- Power Supplies - Board Mount
- Power Supplies - External/Internal (Off-Board)
- Relays
- Resistors
- RF/IF and RFID
- Semiconductor Modules
- Sensors, Transducers
- Transformers
- Industrial System
Aboutabout_iiiC (pdf 64KB)(experience | history| business goals | business focus) Experience the Experts
Growing up with the changes in our industry has been a learning process which is part of the cost of experience. Today we don't sell our experience. It's just a part of the product bundle our customers seek. Utilize our experience; it's easier to buy components and products from experts! History
iiiC was previously known as Broadcasting Service Company (National Institution) engaged in the domestic market of selling electronic components and parts and in provision of broadcasting apparatus. It has earned customer loyalty from a legion of customers and been expanding its market. In 2006, Broadcasting Service Company was re-organized into iiiC. Now iiiC is providing the world with the wholesale of electronic components and products. Today we have two offices - one in Hong Kong and the other in Shenzhen. All administration, database management and accounting is located in Shenzhen, which is also the marketing center. - address here. Goods shipping, receiving and returns are handled in Hong Kong - address here. Business Goals
Business Focus
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